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. 2019 Jul 17;12(1):1621007. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2019.1621007
Main Categories Search Terms
(1) Concept: Health/Well-being (health* OR medic* OR biomedic* OR social welfare OR human welfare OR well-being OR wellbeing OR disease* OR illness* OR pharma* OR injur* OR disabilit* OR disabl* OR primary care OR drug* OR biotech* OR mortality OR morbidity OR vaccin* OR epidemiolog* OR scientific)
(2) Relationship Descriptors: Set 1 ((north-south not (north-south gradient* OR north-south cline OR north-south axis OR north-south orient* OR north-south direction OR north-south line OR north-south split OR north-south transect)) OR (south-north) OR (south-south) OR (north-south-south)
(3) Relationship Descriptors: Set 2 (cooperation OR co-operation OR collaborat* OR regional coordination OR regional integration OR agreement* OR alliance* OR diplomacy OR linkage* OR pact*)
(4) Relationship Descriptors: Set 3 ((joint AND (development OR production OR research OR planning OR program* OR initiative* OR effort* OR project* OR commitment* OR action* OR activit* OR venture* OR practice* OR process*)) OR joining forces OR ((mutual* OR common* OR shar* OR similar) AND (issue* OR problem* OR experience* OR duty OR responsibilit* OR strateg* OR priorit* OR agenda* OR goal* OR position* OR interest* OR benefi* OR advantage* OR reward* OR solution* OR challenge*)) OR common ground OR mutuality OR bi-directional OR symmetr* OR complementary development OR collective action* OR collective decision-making OR consensus)
(5) Political Descriptors (egalitarian OR equit* OR equality OR ethical OR participatory OR independence OR self-relian* OR self-sufficien* OR self-sustain* OR reciprocity OR interdependen* OR ubuntu OR liberat* OR emancipat* OR empower* OR grassroot* OR decoloniz* OR bottom-up OR (human ADJ2 rights) OR (right ADJ2 health*) OR rights-based OR progressive OR non-interference OR solidarity OR self-determin* OR sovereign* OR sustainable development OR alternative development OR nondependen* OR non-dependen* OR (reduc* and (dependenc* OR poverty OR inequit* OR inequalit*)) OR autonom* OR people-orient* OR community-orient* OR anti-imperialis* OR anti-colonial* OR anti-capitalis* OR non-imperialis* OR non-capitalis* OR justice OR democra* OR social movement* OR horizontal OR indigenous OR southern-led OR southern-based OR southern perspective OR southern-generated OR African-driven OR African-led OR political commitment OR political will OR locally-determined OR social medicine OR (popular and (resistance OR participation OR forces)) OR inclusive OR social inclusion OR accessiblit* OR accessible OR political change OR social change OR non-Western OR subaltern OR reflexive OR locally governed OR regionally driven OR region-cent* OR socialis* OR feminis* OR anti-racis* OR altruis* OR accountab* OR transformative OR legitima* OR revolutionary OR decentrali* OR non-hierarchical OR counter-hegemon* OR mobiliz* OR regional power OR leftist OR left-wing OR activis* OR radical* OR regionali* OR internationali* OR redistributi* OR anti-globalization OR alter-globalization OR anti-US OR anti-america* OR anti-oppress* OR nationali* OR local governance OR regional governance OR fairness OR ((fair OR true OR real OR genuine* OR respectful*) AND (partnership* OR collaborat* OR cooperation* OR agreement* OR trade OR exchange*))
(6) Geographical Descriptors (latin america* OR central america* OR south* america* OR southern cone OR Caribbean OR Africa* OR intra-africa* OR inter-africa* OR cuba* OR el salvador* OR brazil* OR venezuela* OR zimbabwe* OR kenya* OR tanzania* OR mozambique OR angola* OR namibia* OR Malawi* OR Zambia* OR Botswana OR Congo* OR Uganda* OR Swaziland* OR Lesotho* OR third world OR global south OR non-aligned countries OR non-aligned movement OR NAM countries OR developing countries OR low-income countries OR middle-income countries OR LMICs OR g-77 OR g77 OR group of 77 OR underdeveloped countries OR under-developed countries OR (southern ADJ3 countries) OR emerging economies OR resource-poor countries OR resource-poor settings OR resource-limited settings OR peripheral countries OR anchor countries)
(7) Organizations/Institutions (barrio adentro OR global policy forum OR alliance for financial inclusion OR BRICS OR UNASUR OR southern african development community OR east african community OR Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America OR ecos familiares OR equinet OR seatini OR latin american school of medicine OR IBSA OR COMESA OR CODESRIA OR SADC OR AU ECSA health community OR ALAMES OR People’s health movement OR World Social Forum)
(8) Scope of Cooperation (transnational OR cross border* OR cross-national OR cross-countr* OR across national boundaries OR across ADJ2 borders OR multilateral OR trilateral OR foreign polic* OR regional OR neighbo$ring countr* OR bordering countr* OR inter-government* OR beyond borders)
(9) Substantive Area ((health* workers OR human resources OR personnel OR experts OR professionals OR providers OR practitioners OR caregivers OR physicians OR clinicians OR doctors) AND (migrat* OR train* OR retain* OR mentor* OR educat* OR teach* OR export* OR deploy* OR recruit* OR exchang*)) OR ((transfer* OR flow* OR exchang* OR shar* OR trade OR trading OR pooling) AND (technolog* OR knowledge* OR data OR information OR expertise OR skills OR know-how OR resources OR fund* OR services)) OR ((build* OR improv* OR enhanc* OR strengthen* OR develop* OR foster* OR promot* OR support* OR invest*) AND (research capacit* OR technical capacit* OR institutional capacit* OR research capabilit* OR indigenous capacit* OR local capacit* OR national capacit* OR domestic capacity* OR technical capabilit* OR technical knowledge OR technical skills OR technical competence OR institutional capabilit* OR infrastructure OR competence OR primary care OR primary health* OR health* services OR health* system)) OR capacity-building OR institution-building OR capacity-strengthening OR management-strengthening OR shar* research facilities OR mutual learning OR development* assistance OR technical assistance OR technical support OR development* aid OR foreign aid OR economic assistance OR financial support OR financial assistance OR knowledge diffusion OR human resource development OR institutional development OR national strategy OR health* advocacy OR (research ADJ2 development))
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure