Sex and CRD-related differences in the pattern of cytoarchitectural zone-specific intra-insular functional connectivity. Within-zone (A-A, agranular; D-D, dysgranular; G-G, granular) and between-zone (D-A, G-D, and G-A) functional connectivity are plotted for the female/control (A), male/control (B), female/distended (C), and male/distended group (D). Ad: dorsal agranular; Av: ventral agranular. This zone-specific visualization of intra-insular network further highlights: loss of long-range connections (long horizontal links) in the distended groups (C, D) compared to the control groups (A, B); loss of G-G and D-D connectivity, as well as anterior-mid INS connectivity in female/distended (C) compared to female/control (A); increased mid-posterior INS connectivity in male/distended (D) compared to male/distended (B).