a) Effect of 6 weeks testosterone and exercise treatment, alone or together, on GPX protein levels in the blood of rats with diabetes b) Effect of 6 weeks testosterone and exercise treatment, alone or together, on GPX protein levels in the blood of castrated rats with diabetes. c) Effect of 6 weeks testosterone and exercise treatment, alone or together, on GPX protein levels in the heart tissue of rats with diabetes d) Effect of 6 weeks testosterone and exercise treatment, alone or together, on GPX protein levels in the heart tissue of castrated rats with diabetes. Data are expressed as mean± SEM for 7 animals. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, *** p<0.001 vs the Dia group. & p<0.05, && p<0.01 vs the Dia-T group. @@ p<0. 01, @@@ p<0. 001 vs the Dia-E group. ++ p<0.01, +++ p<0.001 vs the Dia-Cas group. ΔΔp<0. 01 vs the Dia-Cas-E group. ▲▲ p<0.01 vs the Dia-Cas-T group.