Figure 1. Results of model-based clustering and z scores on neuropsychological test measures.
Clustering results and z scores on neuropsychological test measures for participants from the neuropathologically confirmed subsample of (A and B) sample 1, (C and D) overall sample 1, and (E and F) independent sample 2. In panels A, C, and E, each ellipse is the estimated 95th percentile for each cluster (95% of the estimated population lies within this ellipse). In panels B, D, and F, test measures were grouped as episodic/semantic memory (left) and nonmemory (right) cognitive domains. Because normative data were not available to compute z scores for Trail-Making rate, time to completion is displayed. AD = Alzheimer disease; BENS-I = Benson Figure Delayed Recall; BENS-II = Benson Figure Copy; BNT = Boston Naming Test; CatFlu = Category Fluency; CRFT-I = Craft 21 Story Immediate Recall; CRFT-II = Craft 21 Story Delayed Recall; Dig sym = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Revised Digit Symbol; LM-I = Logical Memory Immediate Recall; LM-II = Logical Memory Delayed Recall; MINT = Multilingual Naming Test; Span-B = Digit Span Backward; Span-F = Digit Span Forward; Trail A Time = Trail-Making Test Part A—time to completion; Trail B Time = Trail-Making Test Part B—time to completion; Letter Flu = Letter Fluency.