processid |
Unique identifier for the sample |
sampleid |
Unique identifier for the voucher specimen, i.e. museum catalogue number in either lichen herbarium or DNA bank at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo |
recordID |
Entry number in the database |
catalognum |
Same as sampleid; Unique identifier for the voucher specimen, i.e. museum catalogue number in either lichen herbarium or DNA bank at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo |
institution_storing |
The full name of the institution where specimen is stored |
phylum_taxID |
Taxonomic identifier of level Phylum |
phylum_name |
Phylum name |
class_taxID |
Taxonomic identifier of level Class |
class_name |
Class name |
order_taxID |
Taxonomic identifier of level Order |
order_name |
Order name |
family_taxID |
Taxonomic identifier of level Family |
family_name |
Family name |
genus_taxID |
Taxonomic identifier of level Genus |
genus_name |
Genus name |
species_taxID |
Taxonomic identifier of level Species |
species_name |
Species name |
identification_provided_by |
Name of primary individual repsonsible for providing taxonomic identification of the specimen |
identification_method |
The method(s) used to identify the specimen |
identification_reference |
Authorship of species name |
voucher_status |
Status of the specimen in an accessioning process |
tissue_type |
A brief description of the type of tissue analysed |
collectors |
Name(s) of the individual(s) responsible for collecting the sample in the field |
habitat |
A description of the habitat |
Notes |
Notes regarding species identification of the specimen or other note concerning the specimen. |
lat |
The geographical latitude (in decimal degrees) of the geographic centre of a location |
long |
The geographical longitude (in decimal degrees) of the geographic centre of a location |
coord_accuracy |
An estimation of the uncertainty of the coordinates given in the lat and long columns (metres) |
elev |
Elevation of sampling site. Measured in metres relative to sea level. |
country |
Name of country in which the organism was collected |
province_state |
Name of the province (in Norway "fylke") in which the organism was collected |
region |
Name of municipality in which the organism was collected |
exactsite |
Name of exact locality where the organism was collected |
image_ids |
Entry number in the database |
image_urls |
URL(s) from which the image(s) of the organism(s) can be accessed |
media_descriptors |
Term depicting, in this case, side of organism photographed, i.e. dorsal |
captions |
Short description of part of organism photographed |
copyright_years |
The year of the licence declaration for the image |
copyright_licences |
Type of licence associated with the image |
copyright_institutions |
The primary licence holder's institutional affiliation |
photographers |
The individual responsible for photographing |