Figure 1.
(a) Block diagram of the matched-filter pulse compression algorithm of IV-DPAR. The bandpass FD filter ensures that any frequency components outside the modulation bandwidth are eliminated during the signal-processing. Examples of IV-DPAR signal (from early-stage human plaque) in (b) amplitude, (c) unwrapped instantaneous phase, (d) phase-ISDV and (e) PFA channels. A total of 50 signals (N = 50) were obtained for this measurement point. By encoding statistical information of phase-ISDV on amplitude, the PFA channel showed dramatic improvement in SNR and FWHM axial resolution by approximately 135% and 37%, respectively, compared to the amplitude channel while utilizing the same raw data. FFT: Fast Fourier Transform, IFFT: Inverse Fast Fourier Transform, Z*: complex conjugate, Re: Real component of R, Im: Imaginary component of R, X: multiplication, σ: standard deviation, BP filter: Bandpass filter, Amp.: Amplitude, Phase-ISDV: Phase Inverse Standard Deviation, PFA: Phase-filtered Amplitude.