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. 2019 Aug 27;9:12384. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48769-y

Table 3.

Demographic characteristics at the initial examination.

Patients with detected gastric cancer Patients without detected gastric cancer P valuea
n 89 1342
Examination period (months), mean (SD) 47.4 (32.8) 127.6 (4.1) <0.001
Age (y), mean (SD) 56.7 (8.8) 46.2 (1.0) <0.001
Sex (male), n (%) 75 (84.2) 1042 (77.6) 0.183
Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD) 23.3 (2.9) 23.1 (3.2) 0.539
H. pylorib serology testing positive, n (%) 69 (77.5) 409 (30.4) <0.001
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic findings
Chronic atrophic gastritis, n (%) 81 (91.0) 409 (30.4) <0.001
Gastric or duodenal ulcers including scars, n (%) 21 (23.5) 118 (8.79) <0.001
GERDc or Barrett’s oesophagus, n (%) 20 (22.4) 312 (23.2) 0.969
Post-gastrectomy, n (%) 4 (4.49) 19 (1.41) 0.072
Blood tests
White blood cell counts (×103/μL), mean (SD) 5.866 (1.762) 5.510 (1.598) 0.0678
Neutrophil ratio (%), mean (SD) 59.1 (8.3) 57.3 (8.6) 0.0527
Lymphocyte ratio (%), mean (SD) 32.2 (7.1) 33.7 (8.0) 0.0591
Eosinophil ratio (%), mean (SD) 2.8 (1.8) 3.2 (2.6) 0.0278
Monocyte ratio (%), mean (SD) 5.5 (1.8) 5.3 (1.3) 0.275
Basophil ratio (%), mean (SD) 0.5 (0.3) 0.6 (0.4) 0.198
Haemoglobin (g/dL), mean (SD) 14.8 (1.0) 14.4 (1.3) 0.391
Mean corpuscular volume (fL), mean (SD) 94.4 (4.6) 92.3 (4.7) <0.001
Platelet count (×104/μL), mean (SD) 22.2 (4.8) 23.0 (5.1) 0.158
Haemoglobin A1c (%), mean (SD) 5.85 (0.87) 5.39 (0.56) <0.001

at-test or chi-squared test.

bHelicobacter pylori, H. pylori.

cGastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD.