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. 2019 Aug 21;10:587. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00587

Table 4.

Comparison of responders and non-responders in the IG for the response criteria “cognition,” “ADL,” and “BPSD.”

p for group differences between responders and non-responders
Cognition (MMSE) ADL (ETAM) BPSD (NPI-Q)
PWD variables at baseline Age (in years) 0.882a 0.409a 0.586a
Sex (female) >0.999b >0.999b 0.541b
Education (years of school attendance) <8 years
8–9 years
9–10 years
12–13 years
0.280b 0.359b 0.872b
Dementia symptoms Cognition (MMSE) 0.190a 0.864a 0.427a
ADL (ETAM) 0.004 a <0.001 a 0.353a
BPSD (NPI-Q) 0.636a 0.087a 0.005 a
Medical variables Charlson Comorbidity Index 0.371a 0.836a 0.641a
Anti-dementia drugs1 (yes) 0.761b 0.757b 0.517b
Care level 0.639a 0.270a 0.845a
Depression (NPI-Q) 0.949a 0.551a 0.675a
CNS depressant score 0.342a 0.202a 0.696a
Orthopedic diseases 0.539b >0.999b 0.508b
Neurological diseases 0.734b 0.608b >0.999b
Caregiver variables at baseline Age (in years) 0.523a 0.457a 0.233a
Sex (female) 0.637b 0.263b 0.737b
Education (years of school attendance) <8 years
8–9 years
9–10 years
12–13 years
0.021 b 0.719b 0.905b
Burden (BSFC-s) 0.205a 0.635a 0.085a
Benefits (BIZA-D) 0.767a 0.845a 0.209a
Degree of kinship to the PWD 0.931b 0.871b 0.380b
Living in the same house with the PWD 0.962b 0.190b 0.308b

aMann-Whitney U-test; bChi², Fisher’s exact test; 1CEIs or memantine.

ADL, Activities of daily living; BIZA-D, The Berlin inventory of caregivers’ burden with dementia patients (Berliner Inventar zur Angehörigenbelastung – Demenz); BSFC-s, Burden Scale for Family Caregivers – short version, CNS, central vervous system; ETAM, Erlangen test of activities of daily living in persons with mild dementia or mild cognitive impairment; MMSE, Mini-mental state examination; NPI-Q, Neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaire.