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. 2019 Jul 16;34(9):1934–1940. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05166-5

Table 2.

Comparison of Previous Case Reports of Gallbladder-Associated Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis and This Clinical Vignette

Case 112 Case 211 Case 313 Case 4 (this clinical vignette)
Patient age and gender 41-year-old woman 68-year-old man 62-year-old woman 63-year-old woman
Presenting clinical symptoms Acute left hemiparesis Acute chest pain with development of fevers, bilateral pitting edema, visual field loss, confusion, ataxia Acute left hemiparesis Acute left hemiparesis
Initial exam findings Left facial and upper extremity motor weakness One nailbed splinter hemorrhage, leg pitting edema, bilateral inferior hemianopia, diastolic murmur Left upper and lower limb motor weakness Left nasolabial flattening and upper extremity motor weakness
Subsequent clinical findings Seizures on hospital day 2 Deterioration with obtundation, arterial emboli to the right lower limb, and cardiovascular collapse during hospitalization Left hemispatial neglect and sensory change found on transfer to new hospital 1 week after presentation Lethargy, confusion, left-sided neglect, dysarthria 2 weeks after initial presentation during hospitalization for DRESS
Notable lab findings Not reported Elevated CRP and ESR, normal lumbar puncture labs Elevated CEA, elevated d-dimer; normal PT, PTT, fibrinogen, ATIII

Initial: normal PT and INR

After acute new onset stroke*:

PT 24.3, INR 2.3, PTT 47.4, normal fibrinogen; elevated CA 19-9

Brain imaging findings

CT (initial): negative

CTA (1 day after presentation): occlusion of the cortical branches of the right MCA

CT (with clinical deterioration): new ischemic lesions in both hemispheres

MRI (at initial presentation): restricted diffusion in white matter and cortical sulci with edema in right temporal region

MRI (initial): negative

MRI (1 week following initial presentation): multiple cerebral and cerebellar infarctions

MRA (1 week after presentation): right ICA occlusion

MRI (initial): multiple acute infarcts in the right frontal lobe, parietal lobe, and basal ganglia, and left frontal and parietal lobe

CTA (initial): right ICA, ACA, and MCA filling defects

MRI (after new acute symptoms): acute infarcts of right frontal lobe, right parietal lobe, insular cortex, basal ganglia, corona radiata, centrum semiovale

Vegetation location Aortic and mitral valves Aortic valve Mitral valve Aortic and mitral valves
Management IV heparin and low molecular dextran

Broad-spectrum antibiotics

Urgent aortic valve replacement

IV heparin

Surgical resection of gallbladder

Initially started on apixaban and broad-spectrum antibiotics

After acute recurrent stroke: IV heparin then LMWH

Outpatient chemotherapy

Prognosis Hospitalization complicated by seizures due to recurrent ischemic strokes leading to cerebral edema and brain death; died on hospital day 6 Hospitalization complicated by hemodynamic instability and new onset ascites leading to urgent valve replacement and abdominal laparoscopic exploration; transitioned to comfort care and died shortly after Disappearance of vegetation on transesophageal echocardiogram 2 weeks after initiation of heparin; no known recurrence of stroke No known recurrence of stroke
Valve histopathology findings Loosely adherent aortic and mitral valve vegetations with fibrin; valvular leaflet without destruction or bacteria Fibrinous aggregations with mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate and scanty neutrophils and degenerate histiocytes without identification or later growth of microorganisms N/A N/A
Malignancy/histopathology findings

Mass filling gallbladder cavity

Histopathology: adenocarcinoma

Large intra-hepatic solid lesion, a thickened gallbladder, extensive omental seeding

Histopathology: disseminated adenocarcinoma

24 mm mass on gallbladder

Histopathology: poorly differentiated tumor cells and the production of mucin

Abnormally focal circumferential thickness of gallbladder fundus, enlarged porta hepatis lymph node

Histopathology: biliary adenocarcinoma on nodal biopsy

Associated malignancy Gallbladder adenocarcinoma (no reported mucin) Probable primary gallbladder adenocarcinoma with omental seeding (no reported mucin) Mucin-producing gallbladder carcinoma Probable primary gallbladder malignancy without mucin production with involvement of the porta hepatis node

ACA anterior cerebral artery, ATIII antithrombin III, CEA carcinoembryonic antigen, CRP C-reactive protein, CT computerized tomography, CTA computerized tomography angiography, DRESS drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ICA internal carotid artery, INR international normalized ratio, LMWH low molecular weight heparin, MCA middle cerebral artery, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, MRA magnetic resonance angiography, PT prothrombin time, PTT partial thromboplastin time

*Patient on a direct oral anticoagulant at time of labs