Figure 10.
Phototransduction-related gene expression. A, Distinct from rod and cone photoreceptors, the light-activation of Opn4 triggers a membrane-bound signaling cascade including Gq/11 type G-proteins, the generation of DAG by PLCβ4, the opening of downstream TRPC6 and TRPC7 channels, and ultimately leads to the influx of calcium through L-type voltage-gated calcium channels. B, Heat map of genes that are potentially relevant to the Opn4-mediated phototransduction signaling cascade. Relative expression levels, fold-change, and FDR are color-coded as indicated in the figure. C, Heat map of genes previously described to play a role in the light response, dark adaptation, and chromophore regeneration of rod and cone photoreceptors. Relative expression levels, fold-change, and FDR are color-coded as indicated in the figure.