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. 2019 Jan 3;42(2):312–319. doi: 10.1002/clc.23137

Table 1.

The table reveals the prevalence of thrombo‐embolism, LVT, and cardio‐embolic events in patients with TS

Authors No of patients with TS No of patients with thrombo‐embolism (both LVT and cardio‐embolism) (%) No of patients with LVT (%) No of patients with cardio‐embolism Localization of the cardiac embolus Others
Haghi et al13 52 4 (8%) 4 (8%) 0 (0%) One patient had thrombosis of the abdominal aorta, renal infarction, and iliac artery occlusion before the onset of TS
Mitsuma et al14 21 3 (14%) 1 (4.8%) 2 (9.5%) Stroke in 2 patients
Sharkey et al15 136 5 (3.7%) 5 (3.7%) 2 (1.5%) Cerebral in 1 patient, and both cerebral and pulmonary in 1 patient LVT in 4 patients and both LVT and RV thrombus in 1 patient.
Kurisu et al11 95 5 (5.3%) 5 (5.3%) 1 (1.1%) Cerebral infarction in 1 patient Mural thrombus and immobile in 2 patients, and protruding and mobile in 3 patients
Templin et al5 1750 NA (1.3%) NA NA
Y‐Hassan6 80 (pheochromocytoma‐triggered TS) 7 (8.75%) NA NA NA 6 of 7 patients with thrombo‐embolism had mid‐apical pattern of TS
Santoro et al16 541 12 (2.2%) 12 (2.2%) 2 (0.4%) Stroke in 2 patients Mural thrombus in 5 patients and protruding in 7 patients. All patients with LVT had apical TS
De Gregorio et al12 review of single casesa Review of 14 studies (13 single case studies and 2 cases), total 15 patients with TS and thrombo‐embolism 15 14 5 Stroke i 3 patients, renal infarction in 1, and popliteal artery in 1 All patients with LVT and apical or mid‐apical pattern of TS
Haghi et al13 review of single casesa Review of 14 literature cases with TS and LVT 14 14 3 Stroke in 1, TIA in 1 and renal infarction in 1

Abbreviations: LVT, left ventricular thrombus; No, number; RV, right ventricle; TIA, transient ischemic attack; TS, takotsubo syndrome.

The localization of LVT and the site cardiac emboli if available are also seen.


Authors reviewed only patients with TS complicated by thrombo‐embolism and not all TS patients.