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. 2019 Aug 27;7(8):2325967119866199. doi: 10.1177/2325967119866199


Passive Range of Motion Comparison Between UCL Repair and Control Groupsa

UCL Repair Group (n = 33) Control Group (n = 33) P
Dominant shoulder external rotation, deg 119 ± 10 117 ± 9 .28
Nondominant shoulder external rotation, deg 108 ± 11 116 ± 9 .04b
Dominant shoulder internal rotation, deg 48 ± 9 49 ± 9 .52
Nondominant shoulder internal rotation, deg 60 ± 8 60 ± 9 .68
Dominant elbow extension, deg 4 ± 8 1 ± 8 .08
Nondominant elbow extension,c deg –1 ± 4 –1 ± 8 .78

aData are expressed as mean ± SD. UCL, ulnar collateral ligament.

bSignificant difference (P < .05) between the 2 groups.

cNegative elbow extension signifies hyperextension.