Fig. 2.
SUMO 2/3 conjugation of USP5 lysine 113 in tsA-201 cells. a. Depiction of the SUMO interacting motif (SIM) present in hUSP5 sequence. Note that a similar motif (EDKFEFDEDVKIVI) is present in mouse USP5. b. SUMOylation prediction score for hUSP5 lysines. c. Quantification of SUMOylated USP5 relative to total USP5 for mCherry tagged wild type USP5 and USP5 lysine mutants. The K113R single mutant abolishes USP5 SUMO 2/3 conjugation. This experiment was performed in tsA-201 cells, n = 5–8 transfections. Numbers in parentheses depict numbers of experiments. The asterisks indicate statistical significance relative to WT (ANOVA) at the 0.001 level. d. Representative blot for experiments such as those presented in panel c. USP5-K113R lacks SUMOylation type 2/3 as seen by western blot. USP5-WT and K113R mutant levels of expression as well as actin controls are shown