Figure 4. Changes in neutrophil phenotype CD11b / CD62L.
(A) Neutrophil CD11b MFI was significantly lower in BD animals at 12 and 20 hours compared to baseline, but no differences between groups were observed at any time-point. (B) Neutrophil CD62L MFI was significantly higher in BD at 12 hours compared to baseline and compared to sham at the same time-point. (C-D) Samples were stimulated in vitro with exogenous PAF, IL8, and C5a. ΔMFI Fold change was calculated by dividing the MFI of each stimulated sample by the MFI of an unstimulated replicate for each sample. No significant differences were observed for (C) CD11b or (D) CD62L in the compared groups and time-points. BD (n=6), Sham (n=5), data are presented as average, +SEM. Time-point values within each group were compared by 1-way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferonni correction. Differences between groups at each time-point were compared by unpaired T-test. **p<0.01, *p<0.05.