Fig. 5.
Role of adipose tissue in the circulating sFlt1 levels in Ln and Ob Zucker rats 24 h after surgery. A mRNA expression levels of Flt1 and sFlt in adipose tissue of Ln Zucker animals. B Representative photomicrographs of Flt1 immunohistochemical negativity in adipocyte membranes and sFlt1 immunohistochemical negativity in stromal space of adipose tissue of Ln Zucker animals (× 40). C Plasma sFlt1 levels in Ln Zucker animals subjected to lipectomy. D Protein levels of VEGFA in adipose tissue of Ln Zucker animals. Representative Western blots at the top and densitometric analysis at the bottom. E mRNA expression levels of Flt1 and sFlt in liver of Ln Zucker animals. F mRNA expression levels of Flt1 and sFlt in adipose tissue of Ob animals. G Representative photomicrographs of Flt1 immunohistochemical negativity in adipocyte membranes in all groups and sFlt1 immunohistochemical positivity in stromal space of adipose tissue only in PH+I/R and PH+I/R+VEGFA groups of Ob Zucker animals (× 40). H Plasma sFlt1 levels in Ob Zucker animals subjected to lipectomy. I Protein levels of VEGFA in adipose tissue of Ob Zucker animals. Representative Western blots at the top and densitometric analysis at the bottom. J mRNA expression levels of Flt1 and sFlt in liver of Ob Zucker animals. *P < 0.05 versus sham; +P < 0.05 versus PH+I/R; #P < 0.05 versus PH+I/R+VEGFA