Figure 1.
PDE8A expression in ovarian follicular cells. (A) PDE8A transcript detection by RT-PCR in ovarian follicular cells using PDE8A-F and PDE8A-R primers. Lane 1: PCR conducted without template; Lane 2: granulosa cells; Lane 3: COC; Lane 4: cumulus cells; Lane 5: oocytes. Amplifications were conducted on three biological replicates (n = 3). (B) Western blot of PDE8A in ovarian follicular cells using anti-PDE8A (Proteintech). Lane 1: granulosa cells; Lane 2: COC; Lane 3: cumulus cells; Lane 4: oocytes. Protein molecular mass markers are indicated on the right (kDa) (one representative replicate of 3). Immunohistochemical localization of PDE8A in (C) early antral follicle and (D) COC (n = 3). Immunolabelling with anti-PDE8A (Proteintech) was observed with a green signal. The DNA signal was obtained with DAPI in blue. PDE8A signal was calibrated with the non-specific IgG signal. Oocyte diameter is 100 µm.