Fig. 4.
Albino A. ruthenus, silver impregnation in semithin sections of ovaries. Abbreviations: bl, basal lamina; ON, ovarian nest; SC, somatic cell. (A) CBL, cystoblast; Z, zygotene stage cystocyte; EP, early pachytene stage cystocyte; P, pachytene stage cystocyte; Db, dense bodies; asterisk, irregularly shaped DNA-body; arrowhead (at cystoblasts and at zygotene stage cystocytes), fibrillar component of dense body; arrowhead (at pachytene stage cystocytes), fibrillar component of the multiple nucleoli; arrow, granular component of multiple nucleoli. (B) CBL, cystoblast; arrowhead (at the cystoblast) spherical body; EZ, early zygotene stage cystocytes; Db, dense body; arrowhead (at zygotene stage cystocyte), fibrillar component of dense body; bi, bivalents; asterisk, extrachromosomal material. (C) Pachytene stage cystocytes. Asterisk, irregularly shaped DNA-body; arrowhead, fibrillar component of multiple nucleoli; arrow, granular component of multiple nucleoli; bi, bivalents. (D) Fragment of ovary. Individual early previtellogenic ovarian follicle contains diplotene stage oocyte; T, thecal cell; FC, follicular cell; g, granular cytoplasm; h, homogeneous cytoplasm; rb, round body; no, multiple nucleoli; nb, nuclear body; lch, lampbrush chromosomes; C, cystocyte; O, diplotene stage oocyte. Differential interference contrast (Nomarski’s contrast)