Figure 4.
Dynamics in cell population counts during follow-up in GCA (A) and PMR (B) patients. Counts are expressed in radar plots as median fold-change compared to healthy controls (n = 51) for the following groups: pre-treatment (GCA n = 42, PMR n = 31), treatment phase I (GCA n = 38, 69 measurements; PMR n = 25, 54 measurements), phase II (GCA n = 32, 43 measurements; PMR n = 23, 33 measurements), and phase III (GCA n = 29, 65 measurements; PMR n = 19, 56 measurements). Pre-treatment only includes the visit before start of treatment; treatment phase I includes follow-up visits at 2, 6 weeks, and 3 months; treatment phase II includes 6 and 9 months; treatment phase III includes 12 months and beyond. †: sign difference between HC and baseline, ×: sign difference between HC and treatment phase I, #: significant differences between HC and phase II, and ¤: significant differences between HC and phase III (Mann-Whitney U-test, P < 0.05).