Fig. 2.
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of stage IV NSCLC cohort. a Baseline HD-CTC enumeration did not significantly affect OS. b Baseline HD-CTC enumeration did not significantly affect PFS. c Patients with > 2.0 CTC-Small cells/mL at baseline have a significantly shorter OS. d Patients with > 12.5 CTC-NoCytokeratin cells/mL at baseline have a significantly shorter OS. e Patients receiving bevacizumab with > 70.0 HD-CTCs/mL at baseline have a significantly shorter OS. f Patients with > + 4.6 Δ HD-CTCs/mL from the first to second blood draw have a significantly shorter OS. g Patients with > + 1.0 Δ HD-CTCs/mL from the first to last blood draw have a significantly shorter OS. LoET: lesser or equal to. The number of at risk individuals per group is shows below each graph