Virion proteins detected by LC-MS/MS.
CDS | Start | End | Mass (Da) | Predicted function | BLASTp (best match)1 | Identity (%)2 | LC-MS/MS3 |
03 | 2364 | 1252 | 40117 | Phage capsid and scaffold | WP_022638357/Lactobacillus plantarum | 10/24 (42) | 25 |
04 | 3026 | 2367 | 24234 | Minor capsid | WP_002314920/Enterococcus faecium | 23/89 (26) | 15 |
05 | 3127 | 3011 | 432991 | Phage minor capsid | WP_024636649/Enterococcus faecium | 10/31 (32) | 13 |
06 | 4400 | 3117 | 48011 | Portal protein | WP_009841304/Vibrio spp. AND4 | 15/38 (39) | 25 |
07 | 6025 | 4457 | 60287 | Terminase large subunit | YP_006119910/Escherichia coli O83 | 28/115 (24) | 14 |
08 | 6589 | 6065 | 19320 | Terminase small subunit | YP_006780198/Escherichia coli O104 | 11/24 (46) | 13 |
18 | 9607 | 9131 | 17985 | 3′-phosphatase, 5′-polynucleotide kinase | NP_268935/Streptococcus phage 370.1 | 9/12 (75) | 16 |
49 | 23431 | 22943 | 18276 | Phage lysin | YP_535193/Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 | 5/15 (33) | 19 |
50 | 23709 | 23431 | 7577 | Phage holin | WP_061631936/Streptococcus pneumonia | 6/15 (40) | 12 |
56 | 26954 | 26241 | 27014 | DNA adenine methyltransferase | NP_268935/Streptococcus phage 370.1 | 7/22 (32) | 16 |
58 | 29453 | 27435 | 76000 | DNA helicase | WP_058540300/Pseudomonas putida | 29/98 (30) | 14 |
60 | 30061 | 30996 | 34612 | DNA primase | WP_023241409/Salmonella enterica | 27/76 (36) | 23 |
61 | 31097 | 32881 | 64478 | Tail fiber protein | NP_857641/Yersinia pestis | 13/40 (33) | 10 |
63 | 34017 | 33370 | 23935 | Phage associated recombinase | WP_060441855/Serratia marcescens | 32/126 (25) | 16 |
64 | 35156 | 34092 | 40165 | Phage exonuclease | YP_004243626/Bacillus subtilis | 16/50 (32) | 18 |
67 | 40349 | 36900 | 127462 | Tail fiber protein | WP_010939430/Desulfovibrio vulgaris | 109/484 (30) | 21 |
68 | 41026 | 40427 | 20880 | Tail assembly protein | WP_023658790/Pseudomonas fluorescens | 23/73 (32) | 20 |
69 | 41757 | 41023 | 28345 | Tail assembly protein | WP_005987870/Desulfovibrio africanus | 17/70 (24) | 17 |
70 | 42566 | 41754 | 29021 | Minor Tail protein | WP_007364011/Opitutaceae bacterium TAV1 | 7/23 (30) | 18 |
71 | 42968 | 42615 | 13041 | Tail fiber protein | WP_010939430/Desulfovibrio vulgaris | 5/11 (45) | 21 |
73 | 45842 | 43035 | 101408 | Tail-length tape measure protein | WP_063259367/Enterobacter cloacae | 63/284 (25) | 22 |
76 | 47299 | 46631 | 24077 | Tail fiber protein | NP_857641/Yersinia pestis | 9/27 (33) | 10 |
1The matched homologs of LC-MS/MS data. 2The percentage identity is calculated based on the number of identical amino acid residues (numerator) over the number of compared residues (denominator) and shown in parentheses. 3The sequence coverage (%) determined by mass spectrometry of the protein is indicated.