FIG 7.
Negative linear relationship between CFAV RNA levels in the body and DENV-1 titers in head tissues. The scatter plot and regression line represent the linear dependence of the log10-transformed DENV-1 dissemination titer (infectious titer in DENV-1-positive head homogenate) on the log10-transformed CFAV relative RNA level in the mosquito body (after removing the head) on day 13 after a DENV-1 infectious blood meal in experiment 3. CFAV was IT injected 6 (circles) or 2 (diamonds) days before the blood meal. This analysis includes all samples with DENV-1-positive heads. There was no effect of the time interval between CFAV injection and the DENV-1 infectious blood meal on DENV-1 titers or RNA levels, and the time interval variable was removed from the models. R2 and P values represent the goodness of fit and statistical significance of the linear relationship, respectively.