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. 2018 Nov 14;24(9 Suppl):301S–313S. doi: 10.1177/1076029618811082

Table 1.

Characteristics of Real-World Studies of Outpatient Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Author, Year (N) Country Study Type Data Source Timing of Sample Male, n (%) Age, Mean ± SD Primary Anticoagulant Upon Discharge
Chu, 2017 (N = 69) US R, clinical Single-center EHR 2015-2016 NR 53 ± 17 DOAC
Douce, 2017 (N = 141) US P, clinical REGARDS 2003-2011 75 (53) 67 (median) NR
Kabrhel, 2017 (N = 1112) US P, clinical Multicenter EHR 2015 NR NR DOAC
Mansour, 2017 (N = 23 015) Canada R, claims Alberta administrative databases 2002-2012 10 313 (45) 56.3 ± NR NR
Mausbach, 2017 (N = 236) Israel R, clinical Single-center EHR 2013-2015 105 (44) 68 (median) LMWH and/or VKA
Tichter, 2017 (N = 690 000) US R, survey NHAMCS 2009-2013 275 172 (40) NR NR
Barrett, 2016 (N = 6) US P, clinical Single-center EHR 2016 NR NR DOAC
Lamb, 2016 (N = 1 146 469) US R, claims NEDS 2006-2012 NR NR NR
Singer, 2016 (N = 652 000) US R, survey NHAMCS 2006-2010 325 001 (50) 58 ± NR NR
Stein, 2016 (N = 2 671 452) US R, claims NEDS/NIS 2007-2012 1 246 129 (47) NR NR
Beam, 2015 (N = 71) US P, clinical Multicenter EHR 2013-2014 NR 47 ± 16 DOAC
Dentali, 2015 (N = 1452) Italy P, clinical RIETE 2006-2013 753 (52) 60 ± 18 LMWH and/or VKA
Padron, 2015 (N = 9)a US P, clinical Single-center EHR 2012-2013 NR NR LMWH and/or VKA
Rosa-Salazar, 2015b (N = 1135) Internationalc P, clinical RIETE 2001-2014 573 (51) 52 ± 18 LMWH and/or VKA
Stein, 2015 (N = 96) US R, clinical Multicenter EHR 2013-2014 43 (50) 59 ± 16 NR
Trujillo-Santos, 2015 (N = 15 280) Internationalc P, clinical RIETE 2001-2013 7892 (52) 61 ± 17 LMWH and/or VKA
Falconieri, 2014 (N = 7) US R, clinical Single-center EHR 2013-2014 NR NR DOAC
Lozano, 2014 (N = 13 493) Internationalc P, clinical RIETE 2001-2012 7023 (52) 62 ± 17 LMWH and/or VKA
Misky, 2014 (N = 107) US P, clinical Single-center EHR 2011-2012 NR 52.4 ± NR LMWH and/or VKA
Davis, 2013 (N = 14) US P, clinical Single-center EHR NR NR NR LMWH and/or VKA
Gibson-Chambers, 2013 (N = 845 000) US R, claims NEDS 2006-2010 397 150 (47) NR NR

Abbreviations: DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; EHR, electronic health record; LMWH, low-molecular weight heparin; MASTER, Multicenter Advanced Study for a ThromboEmbolism Registry; NEDS, Nationwide Emergency Department Sample; NHAMCS, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey; NIS, National Inpatient Sample; NR, not reported; P, prospective; R, retrospective; RIETE, Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad TromboEmbólica; REGARDS, Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke; SD, standard deviation; US, United States; VKA, vitamin K antagonist.

a Reported sample size included patients with both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

b All included patients had upper extremity deep vein thrombosis.

c Countries include Spain, France, Italy, Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Republic of Macedonia, and Brazil.