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. 2019 Aug 26;9(4):62–80. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v9.i4.62

Table 1.

Descriptive table of selected clinical scoring system

Score Authors Variables included in risk score Score grades Outcome
Expanded criteria donor Port et al[58], 2002 Donor age SCD Relative risk of graft failure compared to SCD
Cerebrovascular accident as cause of death ECD RR>1.7
Serum creatinine> 1.5mg/dL
History of hypertension
Deceased donor score Nyberg et al[65], 2003 Age 5-year graft survival
History of hypertension A (0-9 points) Grade A 82%
Creatinine clearance B (10-19 points) Grade B 79%
HLA mismatch C (20-29 points) Grade C 72%
Cause of death D (30-39 points) Grade D 65%
Donor risk score (DRS) Schold et al[67], 2005 Donor risk factors 5-year graft survival
Race I Grade I 76.7%
Age II Grade II 73.6%
History of hypertension III Grade III 66.3%
History of diabetes IV Grade IV54.8%
Cause of death V Grade V 47.6%
History of hypertension
History of diabetes
Cause of death
HLA-Dr mismatch
CMV mismatch
Cold ischemia time
DGF nomogram Irish et al[70], 2003 Donor risk factors Continuous point score Delayed graft function
Serum creatinine
History of hypertension
Cause of death
Donor after cardiac death
Recipient risk factors
Peak PRA
History of diabetes mellitus
Previous transplant
Pretransplant dialysis
Pretransplant transfusions
Combined transplantation
HLA mismatch
Cold ischemia time
KDRI Rao et al[71], 2009 Donor risk factors KDRI quintile 5-year graft survival
Age 0.45-0.79 82%
Race 0.80-0.96 79%
Height 0.97-1.15 NA
Weight 1.16-1.45 NA
History of hypertension >1.45 63%
History of diabetes
Cause of death
Serum creatinine
Hepatitis C
Donation after cardiac death
HLA-B mismatch
HLA-DR mismatch
Cold ischemia time
Double or en bloc transplant
Donor-only KDRI OPTN[72], 2014 Donor risk factors 5-year graft survival
Age <0.6 80%
Race 0.61-0.79 78%
Height 0.80-0.99 74%
Weight 1.00-1.19 66%
History of hypertension 1.20-1.59 59%
History of diabetes 1.60-1.99 52%
Cause of death >1.99 44%
Serum creatinine
Hepatitis C
Donation after cardiac death

ECD: Expanded criteria donor; KDRI: Kidney donor risk index; OPTN: The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network; SCD: Standard criteria donor.