Design showing the construction of an animal market and a slaughterhouse in the Arabian Peninsula.
(A) The animal market consists of several pens to accommodate several species of animals especially dromedary camels, sheep, and goat. Each pen is assigned for one group of animals on the two sides of the market. Some pens assigned to accommodate the foreign imported breed of camels from Sudan and Somalia. The daily Haraj market is designed at the center of the market. Some animals from all pens in the market and from outside from the neighboring regions participate in this daily sale held in every afternoon. Some of the sold animals are transferred directly to the adjacent abattoir. Some other animals transported to the other regions for various purposes (breeding, slaughtering, showing, etc). The non-sold animals return to their pens in the market. (B) Design of a slaughterhouse in the Arabian Peninsula. It consists of several slaughtering halls assigned for each species. Some halls are connected to each other. There is an animal quarantine zone in front of the market. There is a customer hall, which is connecting the slaughtering halls and separated with glass partitions. Some animals transferred from the local adjacent market to the abattoir for further slaughtering and processing.