TIBA sensitivity is altered in vln4-1 mutant. A, Gravitropic response of 4-d-old wild-type (WT) and vln4-1 seedlings grown on medium supplemented with mock or 5 µm TIBA for 24 h. Bar = 0.5 cm. B, Root tropic bending curvatures were measured at the indicated time points. Values given are means ± se (n = 50 seedlings for each genotype and treatment; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 between wild-type and vln4-1 mutant; t test). C, Representative images of DII-VENUS in drug-treated (5 µm) wild-type and vln4-1 roots after 1-h gravity stimulation. Green channel, DII-VENUS; red channel, cell walls stained with propidium iodide. Bar = 50 µm. D, The ratio of DII-VENUS fluorescence between the upper and lower sides of wild-type and vln4-1 roots. E, Basipetal auxin transport was detected in the roots treated with 30 µm TIBA for 15 h. Values given are means ± se (n = 5 [D] and 15 [E] roots for each genotype and treatment; a, significantly different from mock control within the same genotype; b, significantly different from wild-type treated with mock; c, no significant difference from mock control within the same genotype; d, significantly different from wild-type treated with TIBA; t test).