The supernurse is often more experienced or specialized than most, and communicates a sense of superiority through an elitist attitude, condescending manner, and “corrective comments.” |
The resentful nurse develops and holds grudges, encourages others to “gang up” on the transgressor, and tends to create drama that can permeate the work environment. |
The PGR nurse uses put-downs, gossip, and rumors (PGR) to bully other nurses, and is often quick to take offense to a neutral remark. |
The backstabbing nurse is “two-faced,” cultivating friendships that they then betray, using information as a weapon to enhance their power. |
The green-with-envy nurse expresses bitterness to those who have what they do not: looks, status, personality, possessions. Their victims often do not realize they are a target. |
The cliquish nurse uses exclusion as a means of aggression, showing favoritism to some while ignoring others |