Fig. 3.
Expression of stem cell markers are increased in spheroid forming bronchial carcinoid cells. a&b Parental (PA) and 3rd generation spheroid cells (SP) were immunofluorescently labeled for expression of stemness markers, Oct-4, Sox-2 and Nanog visualized as in (a) and percentage positive cells quantified as in (c). Similarly, H720 PA and SP cells were fluorescently labeled and number of positive cells quantified (B&D). H727 and H720 PA and 3rd generation SP cells were immunolabeled for expression of ALDH1, CD44, Oct-4, Sox-2 and Nanog and the fraction of positively labeled cells assessed by FACS analysis (e&f). The number of positive cells in PA versus 3rd generation SP for all the markers as in (e&f) were quantified and expressed as a percentage fraction (g-k)