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. 2019 Aug 30;19:864. doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-6018-1

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Growth of H727 and H720 derived spheroids was inhibited by AZ, SFN and AZ + SFN treatments. a,c&e Represent the AlamarBlue assay and b, d&f IC50 values of 3rd generation spheroid (SP) cells of H727 and H720 after 7 days treatment with AZ, SFN and the AZ + SFN combination (0-40 μM). g-j To further evaluate the anti-tumor effect of the AZ + SFN combination 3rd generation H727 xenograft cells were pre-treated with AZ + SFN, xenografted as before and tumor growth monitored over 45 days (n = 4). g showing gross morphology; H and I tumor volumes calculated after caliper measurements and weights measured after resection. J) H&E histology of the resected tumors. k-n As above H720 3rd generation xenograft cells were pretreated with AZ + SFN and resulting xenografts (n = 4) assessed by gross morphology (k), volumes over 45 days (l), weights of resected tumors (m) and histology of resected tumors (n). o-r Western blot analysis was performed for Oct-4, Sox-2, and Nanog relative to the loading control (GAPDH) comparing untreated with AZ + SFN pretreated H727 and H720 xenografts. Signals quantified by densitometry relative to untreated control