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. 2019 Aug 30;11:20. doi: 10.1186/s11689-019-9279-8

Table 4.

Summary of intelligence and adaptive ability tests used by identified studies in adults with DS

Test name Authors Domains measured
Intelligence tests The British Picture Vocabulary Scale (2nd edition); BPVS-II Dunn et al. [41] Verbal IQ (receptive language)
The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; KBIT Kaufman and Kaufman [42] Verbal and non-verbal IQ
The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (2nd edition); KBIT-2 Kaufman and Kaufman [43] Verbal and non-verbal IQ
The Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised; Leiter-R Roid and Miller [44] Non-verbal IQ
The Matrix Analogies Test-Expanded Form; MAT Naglieri [45] Non-verbal IQ
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (3rd edition); PPVT-III Dunn and Dunn [46] Verbal IQ (receptive language)
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (4th edition); PPVT-IV Dunn and Dunn [47] Verbal IQ (receptive language)
The Revised Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; PPVT-R Dunn and Dunn [48] Verbal IQ (receptive language)
The Prudhoe Cognitive Function Test; PCFT Kay et al. [19] General cognitive functioning
Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices; RCPM Raven [49] Non-verbal IQ (abstract reasoning)
Stanford Binet 5th edition; SB-5 Roid [50] Verbal and performance IQ
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (3rd edition); WAIS-III Wechsler [51] Verbal and performance IQ
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised; WAIS-R Wechsler [52] Verbal and performance IQ
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WISC-R Wechsler [53] Verbal and performance IQ
The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised; WPPSI-R Wechsler [54] Verbal and performance IQ
The Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities; WJTCA-R Woodcock [55] General cognitive functioning
Adaptive ability tests Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System; ABAS Harrison and Oakland [33] Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Conceptual, Social and Practical)
Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (2nd edition); ABAS-II Harrison and Oakland [34] Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Conceptual, Social and Practical)
Short Adaptive Behaviour Scale; SABS Hatton et al. [36] Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Personal Self-Sufficiency, Community Self-Sufficiency, Personal-Social Responsibility)
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale; VABS Sparrow et al. [31]; Italian version Balboni and Pedrabissi [32] Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialisation, Motor Skills)
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale 2nd Edition; VABS-II Sparrow et al. [56] Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialisation, Motor Skills)