Table 4.
Summary of intelligence and adaptive ability tests used by identified studies in adults with DS
Test name | Authors | Domains measured | |
Intelligence tests | The British Picture Vocabulary Scale (2nd edition); BPVS-II | Dunn et al. [41] | Verbal IQ (receptive language) |
The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; KBIT | Kaufman and Kaufman [42] | Verbal and non-verbal IQ | |
The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (2nd edition); KBIT-2 | Kaufman and Kaufman [43] | Verbal and non-verbal IQ | |
The Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised; Leiter-R | Roid and Miller [44] | Non-verbal IQ | |
The Matrix Analogies Test-Expanded Form; MAT | Naglieri [45] | Non-verbal IQ | |
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (3rd edition); PPVT-III | Dunn and Dunn [46] | Verbal IQ (receptive language) | |
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (4th edition); PPVT-IV | Dunn and Dunn [47] | Verbal IQ (receptive language) | |
The Revised Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; PPVT-R | Dunn and Dunn [48] | Verbal IQ (receptive language) | |
The Prudhoe Cognitive Function Test; PCFT | Kay et al. [19] | General cognitive functioning | |
Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices; RCPM | Raven [49] | Non-verbal IQ (abstract reasoning) | |
Stanford Binet 5th edition; SB-5 | Roid [50] | Verbal and performance IQ | |
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (3rd edition); WAIS-III | Wechsler [51] | Verbal and performance IQ | |
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised; WAIS-R | Wechsler [52] | Verbal and performance IQ | |
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WISC-R | Wechsler [53] | Verbal and performance IQ | |
The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised; WPPSI-R | Wechsler [54] | Verbal and performance IQ | |
The Woodcock–Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities; WJTCA-R | Woodcock [55] | General cognitive functioning | |
Adaptive ability tests | Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System; ABAS | Harrison and Oakland [33] | Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Conceptual, Social and Practical) |
Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (2nd edition); ABAS-II | Harrison and Oakland [34] | Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Conceptual, Social and Practical) | |
Short Adaptive Behaviour Scale; SABS | Hatton et al. [36] | Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Personal Self-Sufficiency, Community Self-Sufficiency, Personal-Social Responsibility) | |
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale; VABS | Sparrow et al. [31]; Italian version Balboni and Pedrabissi [32] | Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialisation, Motor Skills) | |
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale 2nd Edition; VABS-II | Sparrow et al. [56] | Adaptive abilities (main domains include: Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialisation, Motor Skills) |