Fig. 4.
The nNOSS1412A mutation enhances classical NO-cGMP signaling. (A) Lack of eNOS (eNOS KO) does not alter low-frequency EFS relaxation of nNOSS1412A. (B) nNOSS1412A and nNOSα KO ilea are more sensitive than WT to SNP-induced relaxation. IC50 (μM SNP) and 95% confidence intervals are in symbol legend. (C) PDE5 is decreased in nNOSS1412A compared with WT ilea. Total nNOS, sGCβ, and PKG1 expression are unchanged. (D) Quantification of C. Different letters: P < 0.05 via Tukey test. ¶: Data repeated from Fig. 3 for comparison. Double Hom: eNOS KO nNOSS1412A double mutant homozygote. *: IC50 significantly different from WT. n.s.: not significant. N: ileal rings.