Table 1.
Minimising confounding Key aspects of the EMPRISE study design | |
PS matching |
Patients are 1:1 matched with a “nearest neighbour” based on 140 predefined baseline characteristics (“covariates”) Covariates include key factors relating to disease severity (such as # antidiabetic medications), comorbidities (such as CVD history) and many other clinical and demographic characteristics |
Appropriate comparator choice |
The most commonly prescribed DPP-4 inhibitor is the chosen active comparator to empagliflozin, owing to the similar position of DPP-4 inhibitors to SGLT2 inhibitors in the treatment pathway Using a comparator with a similar position is designed to maximise the similarity of disease severity between cohorts |
No overlap between comparators |
Patients are excluded if they had received any SGLT2 inhibitor or DPP-4 inhibitor in the year preceding cohort entry, and follow-up is terminated if a patient switches to the comparator Minimises the potential for immortal time bias |
Sequential enrolment |
PS matching is performed independently for each enrolment Ensures that study arms are balanced not just across the full cohort, but also for temporally matched populations |
“As-treated” approach |
Follow-up captures only outcomes occurring during treatment exposure + 30 days Minimises bias from confounding events not related to treatment |
Assessing balance between cohorts Data used to independently confirm robustness of PS matching approach | |
Baseline laboratory scores |
A range of laboratory scores at baseline are available for a subset of the population, including Hb1Ac, cholesterol and creatinine levels These scores are not used for PS matching, and so can provide an independent indication of equivalence between study arms |
Sensitivity analyses In each case, the conclusions regarding HHF benefit with empagliflozin were unchanged | |
High-dimensional PS matching | PS matching with 100 additional covariates |
Alternative comparator | The sitagliptin cohort is replaced with a cohort composed of patients receiving any DPP-4 inhibitor |
Subgroup analyses |
Subgroup analyses include: With/without CVD at baseline With/without HF at baseline Gender Empagliflozin dose |
Alternative HHF definition | Broadening the definition of HHF from hospitalisation with HF in the primary discharge position to hospitalisation with HF in any discharge position |
Control outcome | An outcome with an expected null finding (flu vaccination) |
The EMPRISE study design used several approaches to minimise confounding [16], although undetected bias from residual confounding cannot be excluded. CVD cardiovascular disease, DPP-4 dipeptidyl peptidase-4, HF heart failure, HHF hospitalisation for HF, PS propensity score, SGLT2 sodium–glucose transporter 2