Relationship between verbal encoding-related activity in the left HIPP and endogenous levels of DHEAS by sex/reproductive
status, a) In MDD, task-related HIPP activity increased with higher levels of DHEAS in postmenopausal women, reaching levels
similar to pre/perimenopausal women and men. Brain image displays positive correlation between DHEAS and fMRI BOLD activity in the
left hippocampus in postmenopausal women with MDD (to illustrate full spatial extent, findings are displayed at
p< 0.05, uncorrected), b) In non-MDD, there was no relationship between task-related HIPP activity and
DHEAS levels in any group. Brain image displays positive correlation between DHEAS and fMRI BOLD activity in the left hippocampus
in postmenopausal women with no MDD (to illustrate full spatial extent, findings are displayed at p <
0.05, uncorrected). Functional ROI was generated from an anatomically-defined mask of the HIPP (Novel > Repeat). DHEAS
levels were natural log transformed.