Fig. 3. miR-G-10 upregulates PIK3R3, but downregulates TIMP3 expression.
a, b The predicted miR-G-10-binding sites in the 3′ UTR of PIK3R3 and TIMP3 mRNA using miRDB and Targetscan. c HeLa and C33A cells were co-transfected with pcDNA3/EGFP-TIMP3-3′ UTR (wild-type) or (d) pcDNA3/EGFP-PIK3R3 and miR-G-10 or Anti-miR-G-10. e HeLa and C33A cells were co-transfected with pcDNA3/EGFP-TIMP3-3′ UTR-mut or (f) pcDNA3/EGFP-PIK3R3-3′ UTR-mut and miR-G-10 or anti-miR-G-10. g, h RT-qPCR showed TIMP3 and PIK3R3 mRNA levels after transfection with miR-G-10 or anti-miR-G-10. i, j Western blot assay showed TIMP3 and PIK3R3 protein levels after transfection with miR-G-10 or anti-miR-G-10. k, l RT-qPCR showed the RNA levels of miR-G-10 and TIMP3 in the AGO2-RIP complex. m, n Correlation analysis between miR-G-10 and TIMP3/PIK3R3. All of the experiments were repeated three times. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. NS not significant