Mortality (HSCT vs. IST); effect: hazard ratio; random‐effects model. Standard error calculated from data presented in the Kaplan‐Meier graph of the article or deduced from it by the method of Parmar 1998 and the applicable tool by Tierney 2007. Data from the study Führer 1998 are taken from the article Führer 1998 (114 participants) because results in the article by Führer 2005 (213 participants) were not sufficient to allow calculation of the respective standard error. We included the data for 203 participants in the meta‐analysis. We were not able to include the data for the additional 99 participants of the update.
Abbreviations: CI: confidence interval; MSD‐HSCT: first‐line allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation of bone marrow of HLA‐matched sibling donors; log: logarithm; IST: first‐line immunosuppressive therapy; IV: inverse variance; SE: standard error