Final equilibrium positions of the 9 forward simulations with shortened
flexor muscles. Claw finger deformity was defined to be present when the final
position included both hyperextension (extension beyond 0 degrees) of the MCP
joint and concurrent flexion of the PIP joint greater than 20 degrees. In this
figure, a red “+” indicates when either of these two conditions
was present in a single simulation. The simulation results indicate that the
deformity is sensitive to both impairment level and muscle excitation.
Specifically, mild changes (98%
Lmt,r) yielded the claw finger
deformity at low excitation levels, but finger extension was achieved with
higher excitations (top row). In contrast, coordinated finger extension was not
achievable at any excitation level following moderate (95%
Lmt,r) and severe (95%
Lmt,r) changes (middle and
bottom rows).