Final equilibrium positions for the 3 simulations involving the nominal
“intrinsic-minus’ model, the 3 simulations involving moderate
changes to joint laxity (50% nominal torque), and the 3 simulations involving
moderate changes to PIP extensor moment arm (50% decrease in the radius of the
kinematic constraint). Claw finger deformity was defined to be present when the
final position included both hyperextension (extension beyond 0 degrees) of the
MCP joint and concurrent flexion of the PIP joint greater than 20 degrees. In
this figure, a red “+” indicates when either of these two
conditions was present in a single simulation. Under these conditions, all
impairment and excitation levels demonstrated hyperextension of the MCP joint.
None of the nominal simulations and none of those that involved isolated changes
to joint laxity or PIP extensor moment arm resulted in a claw finger deformity.
Results for the 3 mild and 3 severe simulations for these two factors not shown,
due to their similarity to the moderate results.