Fig. 1.
Discovery stage results at the 2q13 locus. Regional association plots for a gestational duration and b postterm birth. SNP position is shown on the x-axis and association (−log10 P value) with gestational duration and postterm birth, respectively, on the left y-axis. The lead SNP, rs7594852, from the gestational duration analysis is represented by a purple diamond, and the other SNPs are colored to reflect their LD with the lead SNP (based on pairwise r2 values from the Danish National Birth Cohort). In the postterm birth analysis, rs7607470 had a slightly lower P value, but this SNP is highly correlated with rs7594852 (r2 > 0.99), and the latter SNP was selected for the replication stage analyses of both gestational duration and postterm birth. Estimated recombination rates are from HapMap (right y-axis)