Table 2.
Genes Increased in Small Bowel Resection vs Sham That Are Putative Responders to RA Signaling
Apoa4a | Apoba | Gdaa | Mgama | Creb3l3a |
Slc43a2a | Treha | Gpx4a | Gka | Cdhr5a |
Fabp165b | Ace266b | Slc2a267b | Mme68b | Pdzk169b |
Nudt470b | Plb171b | Dio167b | App72b | H2-Q267b |
Klf439b | Lap370b | Ace72b | Clca4b73b | Slc5a170b |
Mical170b | Fos74b | Chka75b | Rnf12876b | Fbln177b |
Prap170b | H2-K167b | Vnn178b | Gls79b | Malat180b |
Aqp181b | Clec2e82b | Slc6a1970b | Apol7a70b | Rbp283b |
Neat184b | Ogdh85b | Egr186b | Apoa187b | Apoc388b |
Predicted to contain retinoic acid response elements from Find Individual Motif Occurrences.
Putative direct and indirect retinoic acid signaling targets from the literature.