(A) Schema and timeline of repetitive tumor challenge
assay. For each well, CAR T cells were first co-cultured with PBT030–2
GBM cells (4,000 CAR+ cells, 16,000 tumor cells) and re-challenged with 32,000
tumor cells every other day (D2, D4 and D6). Analysis of tumor cell and CAR T
cell number, as well as CAR T cell phenotype is carried out at D1, D3, D5 and
D7. (B) Gating strategy to determine CAR% in T cells before setting
up the co-culture. (C) Gating strategy of live cells, tumor cells
and CAR T cells from repetitive challenge assay. (D) Tumor cells
number at different times of the rechallenge assay, co-cultured with
untransduced T cells. Error bars: ±SEM