Absence of SLP impacts retinal function loss in Bacillus endophthalmitis. C57BL/6J mouse eyes were injected with 100 CFU WT or ΔslpA B. thuringiensis and retinal function was assessed by ERG. (A) Retained A-wave function was significantly greater in eyes infected with ΔslpA B. thuringiensis at 8, 10, and 12 hours postinfection (*P < 0.04). (B) B-wave function was also significantly greater in eyes infected with ΔslpA B. thuringiensis at 8, 10, and 12 hours postinfection (*P < 0.04). (C) Representative waveforms from eyes infected with WT or ΔslpA B. thuringiensis at 10 hours postinfection. In these mice, one eye was infected and the contralateral eye served as the uninfected control. Values represent the mean ± SEM of percentage amplitude retained per time point for at least two separate experiments. Data are representative of N ≥ 8 eyes per time point.