Figure 4.
Percent change in aggressive partner-directed behaviors in response to the front of the mirror (experimental condition) relative to responses to the back of the mirror (control condition). Comparisons were made between males who exhibit high levels of partner-directed aggression (High-aggressive; N = 10) and males who display low aggression (Low-aggressive; N = 10). Percent change in pair-mate restraining behavior (restrain) did not significantly differ between High-aggressive and Low-aggressive males. Percent change in back-arching and tail-lashing bouts (arch/lash) was trending towards being smaller for High-aggressive males when percent change in OT concentration from control was negative (t = 1.82, P = 0.09). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
# indicates a trend (P ≤ 0.10) in interaction effect between percent change in OT and aggression