β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) responsiveness of inward currents in heart failure (HF). Dose-response effect of isoproterenol (ISO) on late Na+ current (INaL) and L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) peak densities under AP-clamp at 2 Hz pacing rate. Pipette solution contained 10 mmol/L BAPTA (BAPTAi). A INaL measured as GS-967-sensitive current significantly increased after ISO application. INaL sensitivity (EC50, half maximal effective concentration) to ISO was slightly reduced in HF, and INaL exhibited similar maximal response in HF than in control despite the increased basal INaL in HF. B ICaL measured as nifedipine-sensitive current was markedly increased after ISO treatment; however, the magnitude of the response was significantly blunted in HF with no change in ISO-sensitivity. EC50 values, Hill coefficients and maximum responses were determined by fitting data to the Hill equation, indicated by solid lines. Symbols and bars represent mean±SEM. n refers to the number of cells measured in each group, and the cells in each group came from 3 to 6 individual animals. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni posttest, *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.