Table 1.
Authors | Journal | Year | Evidence of microvascular dysfunction |
Kurisu et al 24 | JACC (Journal of the American College of Cardiology) | 2003 | Abnormal TIMI frame counts (TFC) in all major coronary vessels in 28 patients. |
Bybee et al 25 | AJC (American Journal of Cardiology) | 2004 | Abnormal TFC in all major coronary vessels in 16 patients. |
Fazio et al 26 | J Clin Monit Comput (Journal of clinical monitoring and computing) | 2010 | Abnormal TFC in all major coronary vessels in 23 of 24 patients. |
Daniels and Fearon27 | CCI (Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions) | 2011 | Elevation of IMR reported in one case report. |
Layland et al 28 | CRM (Cardiovascular revascularization medicine) | 2012 | Reversible elevation of IMR in one case report. |
Khalid et al 9 | Int J Cardiol (International Journal of Cardiology) | 2015 | Corrected TFC in all major coronary vessels in 16 patients. |
Warisawa et al 29 | J Circ (Circulation Journal) | 2016 | Reversible elevation of IMR in one case report. |
Rivero et al 12 | JAMA Cardiology(Journal of the American Medical Association :Cardiology) | 2017 | Prospective demonstration of time-related improvement of IMR in 15 patients. |
Loffi et al 30 | BioMed Res Int (Biomed research international) | 2018 | Retrospective analysis of TFC, blush grade and Quantitative myocardial Blush score (QuBE) score in 27 patients. |
IMR, index of myocardial resistance.