Table 2.
Database search | |
Inclusion criteria | |
Adult men (age ≥ 18 years) | Male > 18 years old |
Bothersome LUTS | LUTS; BPH; nocturia; urinary symptoms; prostatism; overactive bladder (within last 5 years) |
Exclusion criteria | |
Lack of capacity to consent | Dementia; learning disability; psychosis; schizophrenia (ever) – additional check in manual screen for any other indication of lack of capacity |
Unable to pass urine without a catheter (indwelling or intermittent catheterisation) | Catheter code (in last 3 months) |
Relevant neurological disease or referral |
Dementia; Parkinson’s; MS; previous stroke (ever) Additional check in manual screen for any other neurological disease/referral that may affect LUTS |
Undergoing urological testing for LUTS | Reviewed during manual screen only |
Currently being treated for prostate or bladder cancer | Prostate or bladder cancer (ever) |
Previous prostate surgery | TURP; prostatectomy; BNI (ever) |
Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus | Latest HbA1c > 65 |
Recently referred or currently under urology review | Reviewed during manual screen only |
Visible haematuria | Visible haematuria (in last 6 months) |
Unable to complete assessments in English | Reviewed during manual screen only |
BNI bladder neck incision, BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy, HbA1c glycosylated haemoglobin, LUTS lower urinary tract symptoms, MS multiple sclerosis