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. 2019 Jul 29;11(8):1071. doi: 10.3390/cancers11081071

Table 10.

Outcomes and toxicity of alloSCT after exposure to checkpoint inhibitors.

Characteristics/Outcomes/Toxicities Merryman et al. [142] Armand et al. (Checkmate 205) [124]
Patients (number) 31 44
Time from last PD1 dose to alloSCT (days; median (range)) 62 (7–260) * 49 (IQR 31–127)
Salvage between PD1 and alloSCT (%) 49 * 27
Hyperacute GvHD (within 14 days) (%) NR 11
Cumulative Incidence of aGvHD (grade 2–4) at 6 mo/1 yr NR/45 30/45 **
Cumulative Incidence of aGvHD (grade 3–4) at 6 mo/1 yr NR/26 20/32 **
Cumulative Incidence of cGvHD at 6 mo/1 yr NR/33 15/20 **
Liver Sinusoidal Obstructive Syndrome 6% at 3 months 2%
Non-infectious Febrile Syndrome (%) 18 * 9
Other Toxicities - Encephalitis 2%
Treatment-Related Deaths (number, %) 3 (10%) 5 (11%)
Cumulative Incidence of Non Relapse Mortality at 6 mo/1 yr (%) NR/10 13/13 **
Cumulative Incidence of Relapse at 6 mo/1 yr (%) NR/16 7/13
Progression Free Survival at 6 mo/1 yr (%) NR/74 82/77
Overall Survival at 6 mo/1 yr (%) NR/90 87/79

aGvHD = acute graft versus host disease; NR = not reported. * among the total of 39 patients included in the study (8 with non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas); ** one-year rates approximated from the published survival curves.