Fig. 4.
Exosomal CLEC3B suppressed migration, invasion, EMT and angiogenesis of ECs. a Representative images and relative migratory number of ECs treated with exosomes from Exo-3B (P = 0.0034) or Exo-3B-KD (P = 0.0133) in transwell assays. b Representative images and relative invasive number of ECs treated with 3B (P = 0.0082) or 3B-KD (P = 0.0198) in invasive assays. c Relative mRNA expression of E-cad (Exo-3B, P = 0.0002; Exo-3B-KD, P = 0.0497), Slug (Exo-3B, P = 0.0159; Exo-3B-KD, P < 0.0001) and ZO-1 (Exo-3B, P = 0.0002; Exo-3B-KD, P = 0.0110) in ECs treated with exosomes. d The protein level of E-cad, Slug and ZO-1 in ECs treated with exosomes. e Tube formation of ECs treated with Sunitinib, Exo-3B (no Sunitinib, P = 0.0238; Sunitinib, P = 0.4988; among groups, P < 0.0001) or Exo-3B-KD (no Sunitinib, P = 0.0191; Sunitinib, P = 0.4711; among groups, P < 0.0001). f VEGF in supernatants of ECs treated with exosomes determined by ELISA (Exo-3B, P = 0.0002; Exo-3B-KD, P = 0.0011). *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; n.s., not significant