Analysis of protein aggregation in ubi1∆ub-HA and SMT3-S-eL40A-HA cells. Strains W303-1A (Wild type), JDY532 (ssb1∆ ssb2∆), JDY923 (ubi2∆), SMY113 (UBI1-HA), SMY256 (UBI1-HA ubi2∆), SMY257 (ubi1∆ub-HA ubi2∆), and SMY258 (SMT3-S-eL40A-HA ubi2∆) were grown to logarithmic phase in YPD medium at 30 °C. Then, total protein extracts and protein aggregates were prepared, separated by SDS-PAGE, and visualized by Coomassie staining (upper part) or subjected to western blot analysis (lower part) using antibodies detecting either the HA-tag of the eL40-HA protein or the uL29, uS3, and Pgk1 proteins.