Phosphorylated p53 at Ser-15 and/or Ser-37 residues activates KAISO transcription.
A, WT p53 and mimics of phosphorylated p53 at serine residues. Filled circles, phosphomimics, p53 serine residue X; TA, transactivation domain (residues 1–42); PR, proline-rich domain (residues 40–92); DBD, DNA-binding domain (residues 101–306); Tet, tetramerization domain (residues 307–355); Reg, regulatory domain (residues 356–393). B, RT-qPCR analysis of KAISO mRNA expression. H1299 p53-null cells were transfected with WT p53 expression or p53 phosphomimic mutant expression vector and analyzed for KAISO mRNA, with or without etoposide (60 μm) treatment for 3 h. C, structures of p53, p53-S15D and/or -S37D, and p53-S15A and/or -S37A. p53-S15A/S37A is a dominant-negative form of p53-S15D/S37D. Filled circles, phosphorylation target p53 serine residue. Filled red circles, nonphosphorylated p53 serine residue. D, RT-qPCR analysis. H1299 p53-null cells were transfected with WT p53, p53 phosphomimic mutant (Ser → Asp), or p53 nonphosphorylatable Ser-15/37 → Ala-15/37 mutant expression vector and analyzed for KAISO mRNA for 3 h. Error bars, S.D.; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.