Figure 3. Time course of Response Inhibition.
A. Accuracy in AS task as a function of alpha power signal change in Frontal Eye Fields (FEF) observed in human MEG studies, in adults and adolescents. B. Mean firing rate of neurons with significant delay-period activity in the working memory, Oculomotor Delayed Response (ODR) task in monkey studies. C. Firing rate of the same group of neurons in the anti-saccade task, selected based their responses in the ODR task. Ramping of activity is present prior to the onset of the stimulus in the AS task. D. Regression across all neurons. Each dot represents a single neuron tested in the working memory and AS Task. Solid line represents linear regression. Firing rate in the delay period activity of the working memory task is predictive of preparatory activity in the AS task. E, F: Mean firing rate as in B and C, for neurons that did not display significant delay period activity in the working memory task. Much less ramping activity is present for these neurons in the AS task. G. Functional coupling between dlPFC beta-band activity and FEF alpha-band activity associated with the AS task for both adults and adolescents in human MEG studies. Colorbar indicates the strength of functional connectivity. H. Spectral cluster that showed significant age differences. Stronger beta-alpha amplitude coupling between the dlPFC and the FEF for the AS task was found in adults Colorbar indicates the test statistic t. Panels A,G-H reproduced with permission from [67]; panels B-F adapted from [71].