Figure 4.
Line drawings of representative transverse sections through spinal levels C5-T1 from the 3 main LPMCd cases (SDM57-FD, SDM61-FD and SDM54-BDA) depicting the locations of labeled white matter axons (green dots) and locations of labeled gray matter axon terminals (black dots). Spinal levels are depicted on the left (C5, top –T1, bottom) and correspond to all cases. Roman numerals in section C5 of case SDM54-BDA denote Rexed’s laminae and their respective anatomical subsectors used for quantitative stereological analysis of terminal bouton numbers. For orientation, dorsal is located on the top of each section and ventral at the bottom. Note the particularly dense distribution of spinal terminals in case SDM57-FD compared to the lighter terminal pattern found in cases SDM61-FD and SDM54-BDA. Abbreviations: dm, dorsomedial; dl, dorsolateral; v, ventral; vl, ventrolateral; vm, ventromedial. Scale bar = 2mm.